جوردنز كونتري - حبوب التوت المقرمشة - 500 جرام

بواسطة Jordans
104.99 SR
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نداء لجميع محبي التوت. استعد لمجموعات الشوفان الذهبي الخفيف والمقرمش مع حفنة سخية من التوت الزنجي. والجزء الأفضل؟ يظلون مقرمشين حتى اللقمة الأخيرة. لا شيء صناعي على الإطلاق، ألذ شوفان، طبيعي، مصدر للألياف، غير معدل وراثيًا، بدون ملح مضاف،


الحبوب الكاملة البريطانية (64%) (رقائق الشوفان، رقائق الشعير، دقيق الشوفان)، السكر، الزيوت النباتية (زيت بذور اللفت، زيت النخيل)، دقيق الأرز، جوز الهند المجفف، التوت المجفف المجمد (2.5%)، النكهات الطبيعية

معلومات مسببة للحساسية

يحتوي على الشعير، قد يحتوي على المكسرات، يحتوي على الشوفان، قد يحتوي على الجاودار، قد يحتوي على القمح. مناسب للنباتيين؛ لا يوجد ملح مضاف

المعلومات الغذائية

القيم النمطية

لكل 100 جرام

لكل حصة

%RI* لكل حصة


1874 كيلوجول

844 كيلو جول

446 سعرة حرارية

201 سعرة حرارية



14.7 جرام

6.6 جرام


من الذي يشبع

4.6 جرام

2.1 جرام


كثرة الوحيدات-غير مشبعة

5.9 جرام

2.7 جرام

متعددات غير مشبعة

3.6 جرام

1.6 جرام


67.7 جرام

30.5 جرام


من أي أنواع السكريات

18.7 جرام

8.4 جرام



5.5 جرام

2.5 جرام


8 جرام

3.6 جرام



0.03 جرام

0.01 جرام


*الاستهلاك المرجعي للشخص البالغ العادي (8400 كيلوجول/2000 كيلو كالوري)

لكل حصة = وعاء واحد من الحبوب 45 جرام

حوالي 11 حصة في كل علبة

محتوى الملح يرجع إلى الصوديوم الموجود بشكل طبيعي

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mario Mercado
Fantastic Service!

I’d be remiss if I did not share my fantastic experience with British Essentials. I have been a lover of Jordan’s Country Crisp Cereal since I first bought a box in the U.S.A. at one of our favorite stores. Unfortunately, the store had made a one time purchase and I could no longer find my new favorite breakfast cereal. We were sent to Deutschland with the U.S. Army. I was excited as I thought I’d be able to find my favorite cereal. Unfortunately, Jordan’s only sold their Chocolate flavored cereal in Deutschland. We drove to France and could only find Strawberry Flavored Jordan’s. Almost two decades later, after retirement, I was scanning the internet and found British Essentials carried my favorite cereal. I ordered enough Jordan’s to last a year. Amazingly, British Essentials sent my order and it arrived in less than a week; from Great to South Dakota! Unequivocally, I will remain a loyal customer of British Essentials and will share my great experience with all of my family (my wife has 12 brothers and sisters and scores of nephews and nieces), friends, and neighbors! My sincere gratitude to British Essentials! If you can’t find your favorites, look through the British Essentials internet site! If you can’t find what you are looking for, send British Essentials a message and if they don’t carry the item, unequivocally they’ll refer you to who does carry your item! They are a professional store who takes care of their customers! Thank you British Essentials!

Jay Lavigne
Great product, some errors in order

Jordon’s cereal is excellent. 6 of the 9 boxes of Jordons cereal ordered arrived correctly. 3 boxes arrived that were downsized. An innocent error, but haven’t yet heard if I will receive some extra boxes to make up for the 1125 g error. I would be happy with 2-500 gram boxes to make up close to the difference. Thank you

انت شاهدت مؤخرا

مسح ما تم عرضه مؤخرًا

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mario Mercado
Fantastic Service!

I’d be remiss if I did not share my fantastic experience with British Essentials. I have been a lover of Jordan’s Country Crisp Cereal since I first bought a box in the U.S.A. at one of our favorite stores. Unfortunately, the store had made a one time purchase and I could no longer find my new favorite breakfast cereal. We were sent to Deutschland with the U.S. Army. I was excited as I thought I’d be able to find my favorite cereal. Unfortunately, Jordan’s only sold their Chocolate flavored cereal in Deutschland. We drove to France and could only find Strawberry Flavored Jordan’s. Almost two decades later, after retirement, I was scanning the internet and found British Essentials carried my favorite cereal. I ordered enough Jordan’s to last a year. Amazingly, British Essentials sent my order and it arrived in less than a week; from Great to South Dakota! Unequivocally, I will remain a loyal customer of British Essentials and will share my great experience with all of my family (my wife has 12 brothers and sisters and scores of nephews and nieces), friends, and neighbors! My sincere gratitude to British Essentials! If you can’t find your favorites, look through the British Essentials internet site! If you can’t find what you are looking for, send British Essentials a message and if they don’t carry the item, unequivocally they’ll refer you to who does carry your item! They are a professional store who takes care of their customers! Thank you British Essentials!

Jay Lavigne
Great product, some errors in order

Jordon’s cereal is excellent. 6 of the 9 boxes of Jordons cereal ordered arrived correctly. 3 boxes arrived that were downsized. An innocent error, but haven’t yet heard if I will receive some extra boxes to make up for the 1125 g error. I would be happy with 2-500 gram boxes to make up close to the difference. Thank you